10 Pound 1/2 diced Russet Potato 4 Tablespoon Smoked Paprika 4 Tablespoon Salt 2 Tablespoon Black Pepper
Begin Boiling Salted water. Wash Potatoes and pat dry. Using Robocoupe 1/2" dicer blade, dice potatoes, hold in water until water begins to boil. Once water reaches a boil, drain cut potatoes and add to water. Cook for apporximatly 15-20 minutes or until tender and edges of potatoes get slightly ruffled. Drain Potatoes and Cool on sheet pans. For a 1 time batch use 2 sheet pans. Cool Potatoes a room temp for 15 minutes. DO NOT COOL IN COOLER. Make Sure fryer is on at 350 degrees. Cook potatoes in batches no more than half way full in each basket. Fry approximately 5-6 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from fryer, drain off access oil, place potatoes in a mixing bowl and toss with Potato seasoning. Transfer to a sheet pan and cool. Once properly cool, place 1 gal container, properly label and store under refrigeration for use.